Saturday, January 16, 2010


SO, first of all i haven't read the books so what im gonna write here is based on what i thought about the 2 movies.

HATE IT: my honest opinion.

i really didn't appreciate it at all. it was just too over-dramatic in my opinion.

AND EDWARD ISN'T SEXY, at least to my eyes. (i can imagine right now twilights fans' reactions: "HOW DARE YOU !?? HE'S ONLY LIKE THE HOTTEST GUY EVERRRrrr:O" ) and Bellas' absolutely emotionless facial expression and actors' awful acting really got me on my nerves.

but yeah. vampires: SO COOOOOL! WOW! story: even better!

"oh BITE ME IN THE NECK EDWARD AND THAT WAY I CAN ALWAYS BE WITH YOU!" "no bella, i don't want to hurt you" "but i want you to!"..gosh..get a brain..

but i might try to read the books just to check it out...see which is worse. lol no jk:P but maybe it would be better. who knows?