Friday, December 24, 2010

new year's resolution

...put the little pieces of the puzzle together

clean up my life, since i already found things that have to be cleaned it'll be easier

put MYSELF together

not be single...cause i just can't handle the loneliness anymore happier, healthier, more confident.

it's weird...i don't care about my grades anymore...i think i'm gonna throw it all out of the window cause i'm just through with school. i'm done, i've got no more motivation.

Friday, December 17, 2010

folle de chez folle.....bordel je suis folle

HAAAAAAALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLEEELUJAH! schoool is over. school is over. it is over! it is over!  

and i am in loooooove. ......fuck

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

mamma miiia.

I DON'T CARE how stupid this blog is becoming, but that's how your brain works....or doesn't work when you have a crush. oh boy...take a chill pill banana...

alalala fuck you facebook you ruined my life.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


THIS will be focused more on my own relationships with all of the signs or what i learned from the very smart internet who knows it all:)

ARIES-energetic (up to you to decide whether it's good or bad) selfish. all over the place. but one of my friends is Aries and i like her...

TAURUS-stubborn, unsure, ignorant, awesome, kind, attractive, deep people! most of my crushes were AND are Tauruses. But they're weak...and easily influenced.
we mesh though:) p.s. all of my crushes were....and ARE Tauruses. oh yes.

GEMINI-huge players and flirts. not really motivated. they just "go with the flow" i'm so old-school.
they don't care about the consequences.  they've got two sides to them.

CANCER-umm..not much to say. they're sensitive...dependent.

LEO-they have their own style...they're generous.  HOWEVER they're even more stubborn than Tauruses, and intolerant. For lions, they sometimes act like pigs, so selfish. Websites say that they're gracious and generous. But the fact that they're generous also comes with the fact that they spend their money without really thinking whether it's worth it or not.

VIRGO-Well one of them practically was so fake that i lost all hope in getting along with other Virgos. they're organized, classy,....blahblahblah. People who I know are most definitely NOT classy. 

LIBRA-Diplomatic, intelligent creatures. to be around. i like em. One of them especially:)

SCORPIO-intense, passionate, popular..yeah sounds great but they hurt people ignorantly, self-centered, difficult...secretly jealous. they sting, then they punish themselves. Lots of them have stung me.

SAGITTARIUS-...I'm starting to change my mind about them. I kinda like them. Cons: FLIRT ALERT!!! they will hop in and out of beds. Great match for POISSONS who like playing...

CAPRICORN-MY SELF. well..all the web sites say that capricorns are organized!
umm YEAH take a look at my room and you'll see just how much it's "ORGANIZED".
Otherwise I'm pretty much a typical capricorn.
i'm realistic, serious and kind of a little bit pessimistic and i don't trust easily. I become stronger as i get hurt. I'm strong-willed and am NOT irrational...except for sometimes. but that's just cause I'm a girl:) you know what? I like my sign!

AQUARIUS-They are creative, intelligent may i say? BUT they change their minds regularly , naive, they don't know what they want and they are WEAK. Unfocused and undetermined will be good words to explain this sign too.

PISCES-hmm...PISCES...that's no likey..but me likey smoked salmon:) no, seriously. They would be awesome in a Shakespeare play.They are so overemotional, also players, UNLOGICAL, stupid even sometimes. they're very "light" if you know what i mean.