Wednesday, March 31, 2010

sweet 14..

these should be the best years of my adolescence. first love experiences, discovering new things, meeting new people.

NONE of this concerns me.

Love (with a capital L)-
people say love is blind. well love might be but not me. i see things the way they are. im kind of like an X-ray machine. i see flaws. I'm not saying that i need perfection and that i don't accept flaws. NO! i don't accept flaws that are unacceptable. lol

anyways. ...i have liked some boys when i was little and i've had guys that occupied 90% of my mind before...but thats not love!!

....i find every single guy i meet IM-MA-TURE. just simply immature. i can't help it. so what i'm tryin' to say is that there is a VERY slight chance of me getting a boyfriend before i'm 17...or so.

and im not the problem here. there are guys who like me..i mean pretty pretty( doesn't make sense does it? xD) im not bragging know, im definitely NOT "unattractive" im not curvy though...

2. i'm not stupid (four languages people! 5 with a tiny bit of spanish)

3. i'm not a hoe

but somehow guys are just more attracted to outgoing girls....even if they're stupid and not-so attractive...and slutty.
so my love-life SUCKS IT.

AND my school life SUCKS IT.

conclusion: ...FML!! (ok that isn't so much of a conclusion but..)

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