Friday, April 23, 2010

fear of every other teenager.

the fear. for most of the people that i know, it's the fear of being lonely=not being popular (for them it's basically the same thing) , and being flawed. what i mean by "flawed" is...looking silly or goofy, i guess.

well i don't hide mine. i mean not FLAWS that would ruin my relationship with people but, the little differences that make you YOU. you know what i mean? i think usually when you meet a person you fall in love with the flaws. i find them cute and unique..and charming.

why would people want to be "perfect" all the time when you can be free (there are OBVIOUSLY some limits..) who you really are. on the inside AND on the outside..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


so most of my articles are written when i'm super stressed and i have no one i can talk to,
or when i want to KILL my self (no jk, don't worry i won't)
(oh yeah i just remembered you wouldn't even care, so never mind!)

SO...this article is gonna be one of those.

my fucking classmates (if you even can call them "mates") are UNBEARABLE. i understand, they have no experience in their fucking lives, they grew up in an incredibly small town etc.

but HOW?howww can they be SO immature? like for god sakes, get a brain. I BEG YOU.

how can i explain it....they are first of all
  1. ·stupid·
  2. •dumb•
  3. ·rude·
  4. •egoistic•
  5. •boring as chickens, (oh wait i take that back, at least they're amusing. they can run without their heads.) let's say cows, or better yet snails•
  6. cruel. cruel meaning cold-hearted.☃
  7. narcissistic but at the same time insecure!
seriously i feel like im studying with evil brats.

when i'm alone, i feel pretty good about myself,
i finally got over my silly insecurities,
but of course when i go to school/my real-life hell,
there's always some idiot who puts me down.

i know there might be still those kind of people in the adult world, always some bitch
who's gonna steal your job saying you don't deserve it or...whatever.
but i mean, open your eyes,
look at yourself in the mirror,

does putting people down make you feel better about yourself?
insulting people-it really is kind of like your hobby..

you've got nothing else to talk about have you?

if they do want to talk shit about me,
i'd actually prefer them to do it behind my back...

damn what do you know about life?

Friday, April 16, 2010

...can i be anymore random?


Thursday, April 15, 2010


ok i gotta admit, i AM obsessed aaaaaall the way. come on it's only like the best tv show EVER.

i always wonder if rachel really sings like that though, cause shes just amazing. at least her voice is...nahh jk like her in general:]

I ONLY HOPE THAT JESSE'S NOT USING HER..cause i love them together..

look at me-it's like im watching this to escape from the reality..

Monday, April 12, 2010


there's always some blue peeking out of the grey sky. :) right?

so among the assholes and the super shy guys OR gays there's gotta be ONE great guy!! thats my theory. (cause my sky's still

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

THE movie that didn't make me cry but...

SO today i went to see a movie with my step sister. what movie? "REMEMBER ME"

well, since we're both pretty much desperate and didn't wanna see anything too depressing we thought it would be a good idea to see a comedy.

it was written "romantic comedy". sadly we believed it, we didn't even mind the not-so-comedy-ish title at that moment.

well in the first scene a little girls' mom was killed in front of her, so that made it all very very clear that we weren't gonna see much of a comedy there.

i liked it a lot.....but it WAS extremely depressing. i don't remember exactly what i felt while watching it but it DID feel like there appeared a hole in my heart and it was becoming bigger as the movie went on.

and the feeling when you KNOW he's gonna die...URGHH.

the end wasn't just another happy ending. it was JUUUST the opposite.

so this movie was just another SOMETHING to make me even happier and more satisfied with my life than i already AM.

p.s. apparently throughout the movie i made "comments" every five minutes...says so my sister:P

Lovey Dovey Loverson...and some other crap. lol jk:)

i love to love. but who TO love? boy-wise, who is there to love? ugh...its been pretty long since i've actually "fallen in love".....or whatever you call it. lol

well...i'm CURIOUS about this one guy...WHO OBVIOUSLY ISN'T available, is already in high school, AND who i haven't talked to in a LOOOOONG TIME.

i used to spent hours (..ok im exaggerating) waiting for him to get that we could talk, even for a minute..just ti remind him that i was still alive. haha

no really..and when i made the first move he didn't even get it. I WAS SENEING HIM SIGNS. AND THEY WERE PRETTY OBVIOUS!!

ohhh boy am i obsessing again? bit of a boy-crush banana??
yes, i'm allowed to do it, i'm only 14. :P