Wednesday, April 21, 2010


so most of my articles are written when i'm super stressed and i have no one i can talk to,
or when i want to KILL my self (no jk, don't worry i won't)
(oh yeah i just remembered you wouldn't even care, so never mind!)

SO...this article is gonna be one of those.

my fucking classmates (if you even can call them "mates") are UNBEARABLE. i understand, they have no experience in their fucking lives, they grew up in an incredibly small town etc.

but HOW?howww can they be SO immature? like for god sakes, get a brain. I BEG YOU.

how can i explain it....they are first of all
  1. ·stupid·
  2. •dumb•
  3. ·rude·
  4. •egoistic•
  5. •boring as chickens, (oh wait i take that back, at least they're amusing. they can run without their heads.) let's say cows, or better yet snails•
  6. cruel. cruel meaning cold-hearted.☃
  7. narcissistic but at the same time insecure!
seriously i feel like im studying with evil brats.

when i'm alone, i feel pretty good about myself,
i finally got over my silly insecurities,
but of course when i go to school/my real-life hell,
there's always some idiot who puts me down.

i know there might be still those kind of people in the adult world, always some bitch
who's gonna steal your job saying you don't deserve it or...whatever.
but i mean, open your eyes,
look at yourself in the mirror,

does putting people down make you feel better about yourself?
insulting people-it really is kind of like your hobby..

you've got nothing else to talk about have you?

if they do want to talk shit about me,
i'd actually prefer them to do it behind my back...

damn what do you know about life?

1 comment:

  1. I know this feeling...
    je ne peux que te dire que ça s'arrange un peu avec le temps. Ne les prends pas au srx, aussi bêtes sont-ils, aussi immatures sont-ils. On a toujours ce genre de problème avec les gens comme tu le dis si bien. Malheureusement, c'est ça vivre avec les autres, ils te heurtent sans te comprendre. Je suis désolée qu'ils ne voient pas qu'elle merveilleuse personne tu es.
    Maintenant, que dire sinon qu'ils ont a grandir, et qu'ils ne resteront certainement pas dans cette position ?
    je sui mal placée pour te dire tout ça, mais un peu de réconfort ça fait toujours plaisir.
    Aller ma belle, l vie est aussi pleine de bonnes choses, c'est salade ;)
