Sunday, May 9, 2010

BANANA IS BACK.....from italy

so....i went on a school trip to italy last week.
well...what can i say? it could've been better. and i've definitely been better. italy itself was amazing, except the lousy weather.

ancient monuments, the fountains...and other beautiful things filled with history would've been much MORE beautiful if I didn't feel like shit, and if i weren't surrounded by ignorant bitches and morons.

never trust people if you're not sure they can be trusted
that's the lesson i learned from this trip.
oh wait, there's another one:
idiots don't change, it's hopeless.

and just when i thought they MIGHT change (and we all know i'm not optimistic. well especially not anymore) by giving them a sign or making them realize that they made a mistake, BOOM! they are the ones who put you down, insult you and make you think that you're the "bad" one. obviously they didn't get my point. or apologize for that matter.

and also there's this girl.
overall image:
straight A student
innocent as an angel
everybody's friend (i wouldn't say boys like her. she's just "too friendly" to be a gf)
never uses bad words...well actually she doesn't know any (i don't think i've ever heard her say "fuck". it's not a bad thing-don't get me wrong)
teachers love her etc.
(i'm not gonna talk about her looks just cause there's nothing particular about her that stands out. well i'll tell you that she's short, no make-up, medium blond) ANYWAYS back to the topic.

i found out she's like a pigeon that sends out letters (idk how you call 'em. homing pigeons or somethin'?) or a spy. she gossips all the time. and you wouldn't be able to tell that from just looking at her because she has that "nice girl" aura.

she acts all nice with everyone, including me. but when it comes to making choices and picking sides, she chooses the strong side. of course.

she can't make her own decisions based on what she thinks. it's like she "doesn't have a spine" (credits to "bride war":P) she's a kiss ass, insincere...and a bitch when she's with the popular group. "poor little girl"...

even if they don't get why people get hurt because of them, don't you think if they watch you cry in front of them being hurt, that they should apologize?

idk, maybe i'm asking too much...

this was SO all over the place. im sure nobody even got an idea of what i was talking about.

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