Sunday, August 29, 2010


I used to write like crazy. remember those days when i would just write like a whole page one day and the next day i'd write another one just like that? Ohh poor blogger i abandoned you completely..ohh but don't worry i'm sure when school starts i'll be right back on track.

like i'm reading this article i wrote the other day...and im like..."are you kidding me?" now that i think about it, i did everything i wanted this summer!

yeah sure there were bad times but HELLOOO they're so much better than not enjoying life at all??

yes, it might have been smarter to stay where i was...but my heart just said "no, i wanna stay with my family no matter how difficult it would be away from here" IT'S PRETTY DAMN DIFFICULT ALRIGHT.

no i don't regret it. hell no, i met some pretty awsome people since i came here but my EVERYDAY's hectic. and not in a good way.

i lost my calm and my sanity over the past two years and i definitely lost my head. and yea sure 5 years from now i'll look back at myself saying "life of an adult isn't easier, you know?"

i'm confused...
i wish i didn't think as much and would feel more. cause i feel like i'm as cold as an iceberg and i don't feel..anything at all. i wish i was a flower child..or a

i had so many choices but i chose the one that seemed the most logical. which one was best for me? ohh idk.

i hope this year, i'll find myself again and that my life would change. in a good way. and i also hope that...oh hell with it i just hope that EVERYTHING and ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING will be the way i want it to be.

YES you heard me!!

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