Thursday, September 30, 2010

funny cultural differences

i remember when i first came here...kissing on the cheeks every time we said hi felt weird to me. then 2 years later when i went to america and i wanted to kiss a friend on the cheek and she freaked out that made me laugh..

for some people kissing on the cheeks is even more intimidating than actual frenching. hahah  you won't understand you're FRENCH...

but it's just the matter of adapting yourself to the culture. the world's pretty much international (and it has been for a while now) and if some of you think in japan we still wear kimonos and eat sushi and in russia we only drink vodka and play balalaika..well you're screwed.

but other than that there are MANY of the hidden things in different cultures that nobody ever talks about..i'm gonna talk about it later.


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