Friday, October 29, 2010

who wins the award of the best chick flick movie-director? ME! ME! ME!

my step sis isn't the only one making up stories (i said that already in my "the first day i met my trouble" article...jk, that's not what it's called.)

but yeah. mine tend to turn out to be...quite depressing.

and get this, unlike my sister's characters (actually ONE AND ONLY character...:P) ,mine always change! 

one day it's my druggy, guitar-playing, mind-blurring, can't-get-out-of-my-head dude,  

then the other day it's this cute little curly-haired cutie-cute *and ALSO* guitar-playing dude (i have a thing for guitar players don't i..??)  

then after that it's the kid that seems to be capricorn (i'm sick people!! i'm experiencing some bad zodiac mania syndromes)

okay...i exaggerated.

i cannot express myself properly can i? 

...mother of god...i need some help clearing out my mind. oh speaking of cleaning, my room's a HOT mess. well, that's nothing extra-ordinary. it can wait a couple of years...

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